Lose Weight With Yoga Sunshine does so much more than just give us Vitamin D. It was not mainly for giving a nice skin-color that sunshine was worshipped by ancient cultures. “The Synchronicity Key: The Hidden Intelligence Guiding the Universe and You”by David Wilcock Recently, several researchers have confirmed what our ancestors already knew Sunlight is the source of life and health. Modern experiments within quantum physics show how damaged DNA can be healed by the transmission of light-photons from healthy DNA. Not only that, by using UVB as a “transmission media” totally new DNA can be created in a seemingly magical way. That’s why the claim that some minutes in sunshine or in a sunbed does “charge your batteries” is very correct. Here are some quotes from a very interesting book about how light-photons help our bodies to transform into new and better beings. The book also tells us that when we are “enlightened” enough, we can even help others to a better life,