Can sunbeds be used to make vitamin D and would you use a sunbed to make vitamin D? Those are two of six questions about sunlight and sunbeds put by GrassrootsHealth to four leading experts on vitamin D. Vitamin D Experts about Sunlight and Sunbeds Here are some of the answers to those two questions. (Scroll down for the full video) Q: Can Sunbeds be used to make vitamin D, especially in the winter for North Americans? Robert P. Heany, MD, Professor of Medicine, Creighton University: “Sunbeds can be used as an alternative to going outdoors, particularly in the winter when you wouldn’t want to expose much skin anyway. And they do make vitamin D in your skin and they can do it perfectly well.” Reinhold Veith, PhD, Professor, University of Toronto: “Sunbeds, of course, can be used to make vitamin D. One of the ways we measured the amounts of vitamin D, the skin has the capacity to make, answering the question: ‘How much vitamin D does the sun give you?’, nobody has actuall